Ethical Politics from the Perspective of Scholars and Practitioners

The government that holds high ethics and morality in carrying out its authority certainly has high accountability and respect for the demands of aspirations and interests of its people. In such a government, the climate of openness, active participation and community empowerment can be realized, as a manifestation of ideas that are now being developed, namely the application of ethics in public service. Seeing the complexity of problems that occur in the practice of organizing public service, efforts in implementing ethics in public service in Indonesia require understanding, comprehensive socialization, and touching all dimensions of problems faced in bureaucracy.

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We are Indonesia’s Future: Millennials and Our Nation’s Cultural Wealth

Culture and communication; both are entities that are bound and reciprocally related. The existence of this relationship makes it important to understand their pattern of connectedness if we want to examine the characteristics of a group or society. Understanding the cultural roots of a community is the key and “weapon” of any community towards realizing their values, beliefs and identity.

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Revisiting the Concept of Diplomacity

Diplomacity; the first time I heard about this concept was back in 2015 during a public seminar initiated by Dino Patti Djalal, Indonesia’s former ambassador to the United States (U.S.). On that occasion, Dino invited his friend Parag Khanna, who is an expert in international relations as well as a prolific author. The seminar, his presentation, was quite eye-opening in that it caught me in several bouts of reflection, especially the moment after the term diplomacity was mentioned. Parag, who authored the book titled ‘The Future is in Asia’ set to be published next year, was also the same person who coined the term.

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